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Friday, May 20, 2016


I was so pumped to get the go ahead on eggs. After our 6 month check up we were cleared to try all allergens. Eggs, peanut butter, indirect dairy (dairy included in something but not straight up cheese or yogurt), and wheat were on the top of my list. We did it slowly, and took all the precautions to make sure we didn't have an allergic reaction.

We were in a breakfast rut. Pureed fruit mixed with pureed vegetable and some cereal. BOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRING. I was so excited to get some eggs in the mix, and it was avocado season. I had visions of scrambled eggs and avocado slices and some fruit. How easy is that??

Welp, my dreams were squashed pretty quickly. He hated eggs, and even worse - detested avocado. I could have cried! Who doesn't like avocado??

But I kept at it. I offered scrambled eggs as often as possible, avocado too. I finally found out that avocado were acceptable if they were baked, (recipe to come!) and eventually he warmed up to them fresh from their peel.

Eggs, however, took some getting use to. He would eat them if incorporated into something like a muffin or the meatballs, so I just had to get creative!
One busy weekend morning, I was in the process of forcing him to eat scrambled eggs again, and I left them on the stove too long. They weren't [too] burt yet (phew) but I had accidentally made a frittata. I said to myself, what the hell, let's give this a try.  HE LOVED IT!

I was in shock. He refuses to eat scrambled eggs, but here he is wolfing down eggs, just in a different shape. My shock wasn't long lived, because every other time I offer him this it's a hit or miss. Oh well, we can't all love everything. 


You will need:

Small frying pan 
Cheese grater

Olive Oil 
1 egg
Zucchini (or other vegetable of choice - I've done spinach as well)
Cheese if you like (I've done mozzarella and parmesan) 

Let's Bake: 

- Get your pan on the stove and heat it on a medium heat (I know you are doing 500 other things at the same time, so this minimizes your chances of burning)
- Add olive oil. I usually put enough to cover the pan 
- Grate zucchini into a bowl 
- Add egg to bowl and whisk together 
- Pour mixture into hot pan (with oil)
- Let the egg mixture set and cook before flipping to allow the other side to cook
- Allow frittata to cool and cut into fingers or cubes
- Hope baby likes it


Spinach and parmesan frittata that he pretended to like 

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