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Monday, June 6, 2016

Meal Planning

Now that we have a good grouping of foods that the kiddo likes (I'm saying this with my fingers crossed, because he just decided that he hates a couple of our staples) I decided that it was time to share how we organize our meals. 

I do a lot of big batch cooking, so I can just pull it out of the freezer when I need it. I was finding more often than not, though, that I would forget to pull out the meals ahead of time and we had to deal with the whole song and dance of heating up in the microwave. Why is it that 10 seconds is not long enough but 15 seconds make the food as hot as lava? Riddle me that!

Anyway, the way we food shop is by deciding on our meals ahead of time, and then writing down what we need to buy. So I figured I could do something similar with the kiddo. I spent a few extra minutes thinking about his meals, and then I would check the freezer and I would add what I needed for him to our list. This would work out great until I lost the list every week, and then no one knew what they were eating! 

Then my husband brought home a white board and asked if I could use it, and I thought for half a second, and said YES!...
I spent about a day using it before I remembered that my handwriting resembles that of a dog trying to use a marker in an earthquake, and decided that I needed to get crafty! 
I took to pinterest and found that no one knew how to put labels on a white boards. I then realized that this was way beyond my crafting ability, and I would need to bring in the experts! 

Here is my expert: KaitlynsCraftCloset

It helps when you have friends that are even more crafty than you. Kaitlyn makes beautifully crafted monograms and vinyl decals for all sorts of projects, including mugs, water bottles, and kitchen supplies (Seriously, check out her site - she does tons of things!).  I shot her a text asking if she thought her vinyl lettering would work on a white board, and she said of course! 

I won't bore you with the details, but I will obligate you to look at the gorgeousness that is now in MY kitchen! 

Don't you just want one for yourself!? DO. IT.

I divided the white board up using duct tape, but the vinyls are what really make this beauty. Now we all know what's for our dinner, and what the kiddo is eating on any given day! The rest is just for fun and organizing.

Happy meal planning!! 

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