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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Blueberry French Toast Bake

Happy Daylight Savings!
If you celebrated like we did, then you were up too early, and you had nothing to do to fill up those many hours before the rest of the world woke up.
So WE made breakfast! By we, I mean that I hosted a cooking show while my kiddo sat near by rearranging my kitchen drawer.s But we both did eat it - guilty!
Breakfast for us is usually eggs, or something quick. However, in the effort to kill some time and possibly eat breakfast at our normal time, we made a special breakfast.
This was simple, delicious, and well received by all.
*Bonus points for having left overs so you can just heat this up when your kiddo still insists on getting up at the crack of dawn for the remainder of the week.*

What you need:
6oz of your bread of choice (mine was 5 large pieces)
4 Eggs
2 TBSP Brown Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
1 Cup Milk
2 TBSP Yogurt
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Cup Blueberries

Two separate bowls
Pie Pan

Let's Get Started:

- In your larger bowl get your bread slices, and cut them into even pieces.

- In your smaller bowl add in your eggs, milk, yogurt, vanilla, cinnamon, and brown sugar, and stir to combine.

- Pour your mixture over the cut up bread and stir to coat the bread evenly. There will be residual mixture that collects at the bottom, and that is ok.
- Pre heat your oven to 350
- While the oven is preheating your bread will be soaking up the egg mixture. Make sure to give the mixture a few stirs while you are waiting. I let it soak for about 20 mins
- After your oven is preheated add in your blueberries. Mine we frozen so it turned my mixture purple, but it didn't change the color of the final outcome.

- Pour your mixture into a greased pie dish and pop it into the oven for 50-60 mins 

- You know your dish is done when the bread is firm and a tooth pick comes out clean 

- Enjoy with some syrup or like us with 2 TBSP peanut butter microwaved with 1 TBSP of honey! Delicious!!